Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Plato permits: Huge challenge ahead.

‘ it is difficult more, than any imagine ‘ SITZAS of the Diesel switch says.

Jason Plato permits that SITZKW_Sport Great Britain confronts to bigger challenge as much imagine after the announcement, die die crew to the diesel engines during the 50th anniversary season of HiQ MSA British Car championship bereisend switches Die crew becomes die first work equipment run on Diesel energy, as she follows lead, which is adjusted by the group of WTCC SEATs, the die Leon TDi with Anderstorp discharged and agonisingly near at the Snaring the title with Yvan Muller into final came, which is round from the season in Macau. If long came anticipated that die British challenge would follow suit, confirmation only by, the program became take place on Thursday mornings and Plato liess too that it would give a number of challenges to the crew as it search procedures, in order to back-demand the title manufacturer of the Vauxhall this the year and to also secure the title driver for the first time. “I think is more bigger it, than people imagine could,” it avowed, when from the challenges over for this lie ahead asked. “okay, we technical support and to help from Spain and they have six months of history with car, but runs on different tires and we have three running in one day, which is compared with two in the WTCC. They could more wonder, why that would differentiate, but it is everything wear and tear on car. That whole installation set is lasts we for two running in a WTCC case sketched and it to three to press will have. It is more harder on it heavier engine that, like that car is also and it more torque on the transmission and transmission shaft thus wenotwendigkeit think over things like that careful has. Then we must think over, which does it to the tires and more whether they will last. “area, in which the SEAT Leon is the best out there car in mu opinion way it worries about its tires was, destroys it doesn’t it, as somewhat more other cars do and they develop well during race. We are also good more under die brakes and into die corners, therefore carry we good more corner speed, but die weight distribution will change and we could lose, which could do something of this more corner lose something of our advantage speed and. But, where we forms, profits in torque outweigh expressed, which we lose in the corners. “it is to be begun to examine a fine balance and we necessity, as soon as we can learn and over it that, like that car is also much different. I never drove a Dieselrace, which likewise is in the anger and for Darren car. Kw_way die engine work is different and we must like too drive it learn and the best from it receive. It is a large challenge and we looks forward to it.” Plato added however that the switch would help the crew to the Diesel engine - and the resulting increase in the torque -, die with the Achilles’ heel of the Leon deal is resulting, with its Hatchback shape, in increased counter acting force against competition like the Vectra and crew the RAC BMW E90. “Well, which is, why we changing,” liess it too. “of time, which is car a BTCC of under 90mph, is amount, die most time it is minimal above that and that is, if counter acting force becomes an expenditure. They receive more counter acting force at 100mph, than you receive at 90mph and then at more at 110mph, than it at 100mph received and the shape of the Leon on is not favorable a good to the credit car speed. It gives it good downforce, but it forms it more harder for us on straights. “one ranges we, which is want to improve, are die torque, so that each time we pull a gear wheel we any Grunzen has and that is, where the Diesel gives us, which is won’t so efficient an advantage I think. We, like the Vauxhall to top speed, since they has a loading and it cuts down something from the counter acting force, but, if we for die first Kw_twoan of third place can be straight strongly then, have could not we not at the end of it to be so strong.” During it remains being seen, how well the Leon TDi on British electric circuits is, remains Plato regarding fighting for being second BTCC title during the coming season convinced, although in depth during catches more strength meant that die campaign could be 2008 one of die most the opened in the last years seen. “I think is yet it the most durable year, since there is so many good crews and good out there cars,” concluded Plato. “RAC has one year of experience with BMW and Dick Bennetts, which lets die crew run, is a very clever chap, who lets bright equipment run. The same goes for crew dynamics, and it car war very strong last year and with the last race meeting year we saw, like strong matte car, when he decided too drive it - or race it war. Engine cousin must BMW learn, but they are bright people and there are really durable, but that is, which want the we - we does not want a boring year with a manufacturer controlling. “during it wasn’t Darrens first year last year, it still its talent took off and it is stronger this year. It did not have a good beginning last year and war sometimes unfortunately, therefore we two strong drivers at the SEAT have. Matte Neal, Fabrizio and Tom Onslow Cole with Vauxhall everything are strong Tom year last with Snetterton, when it won, drove like a legend and it can job do. “it is an interesting year to see, as it goes. I hope obviously the fact that the Diesel engine gives us a large advantage more over to everyone otherwise and then we it can paint house for win - however does not go happen.”

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MWW automobile-report-financial achievement, financing and acquisition for fiscal year 2007

HOWELL, MI, January. 16, 2008 (WIRE over COMTEX MARKET) — marketing Worldwide corporation (OTCBB: MWWC) (”MWW”), d/b/a/ MWW automobile, a leader in design and Kw_manufacturing car of the customization of programs for major auto manufacturers, today announces that it arranged its annual with the sec. report for the fiscal year, which terminated September 30 2007. automobile MWW reported over an extraordinary year, in which it concluded: — the acquisition of Colortek, Inc., “category a A” painting service in Baroda, Michigan. — Series $3,5 million a preferential Stock financing with sight Capital partners in New York. — receipt of additional $2 million by the exercise of the authorizations by vision. — die opening new “category of a A” painting service, which serves die relaxing industry in Elkhart, Indiana. — the acquisition of Modelworxx GmbH, a prominent edge design and a technique enterprise, design services making available to BMW in Munich, Germany. — development several the new accessories for our largest customers, South East Toyota and Gulf States Toyota in US, Toyota Canada and Toyota Germany. — development several the programs for KIA USA/Mobis. These are all major milestones MWW in the Automobilgrowth strategy. Accordingly referred Company the noted important one time by transfer and expenditures for bar and impairment loadings by transfer on the acquisition and the financing. Based on these extraordinary loadings and recognized development cost for four new programs, war net loss for the year $6.896.847 on the net turnovers of $7.454.053, compared with a net income of $305.950 2006. However management improved its gross profit side edge from 27% 2006 to 33% into the 2007. This resulted from greater percentage of sales of the higher side edge robber products in 2007 to be reduced as well as die continual efforts of the Companys costs, manufacturing. “die third and fourth quarters of mark 2007 an important and extraordinary time period in development of our company,” said Michael Winzkowski, automobile President from MWW. “die we of during 2007 created opportunities used and the not liquidity-effective expenditure on the singular acquisition, which is connected with our sale a Series convertible preferential of Stock, our a balance sheet and a profit and a loss calculation, believed important one time expenses reflected and Write downs. We the fact that these activities have considerably the competitive thing position of company in the global market We cause a firm base of the functional capacity and secured the cash improved, which was required for unusual future growth this our shareholders expect of us. Management regards die one time expenses by transfer more accelerated by the acquisition and financing as key investments on our path to business expansion. In addition these steps have drastically vertical integration improve We to believe that our cash expect position for the die following twelve months and the acquisition 2007 is sufficient, a positive effect on our incomes and circulation of money into future periods to have Die results of these decisions by management are expected, in order to appear in the financial statements, die beginning are with second the quarter our current fiscal yearly 2008.” Strong cash Position during 2007, MWW concluded a Private placing for $3,5 million in the form of a Series preferential Stock to locally specified price and provided Company with the necessary cash, in order to advance the plan expansion companys and to make the cash available for additionally necessities investments into die evenly acquired companies. In more October the sight the 2007 Capital, connected original the investor for that Series preferential portions, exercised authorizations for $2 million than part its original investment accommodating all possible expenditures for bar with the acquisition and business the expansion. Improve the vertical integration — in June 2007, in agreement with our strategy for improved vertical integration, we led successfully the acquisition of Colortek, Inc., “category a A” service of painting of automobile This, die acquisition one of the most crucial and rarest segments in our the supplying supply chainsupplying chain secured through and liess us to additional large OE customer speaks this require deep vertical integration for its certified suppliers. Colortek is more Chrysler a certified supplier for Ford, and GR. already, and MWW expects that Colortek important additional income MWW short in and adds in the half time. — in the September of we 2007 began preparations for die opening our new category A painting service in Elkhart, Indiana, casing an industry of the relaxing carrier $15 billion. Following the release our the annual report, AutoFX began enterprises and beginning to produce over income Major acquisition extended Market portion We terminated our fiscal year of 2007 with the acquisition of Modelworxx, a prominent edge design and the technology company based in Munich, Germany, which supplies design services for bmw models and inventive and high Qualitaetsaccessories for BMW and more other European develops and manufactures automobile manufacturers. The acquisition of Modelworxx provides immediately MWW with the status of a really global design and manufacturing the enterprise with abilities and immediate entrance to the profitable North American and European markets deeply sketches and implements Die products, die of Modelworxx geentworfen, also in the North American markets is sold, while MWW automobile US have sketched products entrance to European the markets and by Modelworxx are sold now. Modelworxx has already formed first dispatch to Toyota Germany. New products — in the latter fiscal 2007, we part was awarded and development from five the (5) major programs for Toyota in US, Canada and Europe and four programs for Mobis/KIA the USA concluded and developed and discharged stainless steel achievement exhaust systems for die Toyota tundra, which development Scion XB and the Camry. Die costs of this is during fiscal 2007 recognized Die Toyota programs pushes, January 2008 beginning out, has a life overvoltage of 4-5 years and to produce die important income expected, die by 2013 running is.

— as if our the expansion into new product ranges and into large new customers, we part development our the first production fog light installation set for the new Scion XD in Toyota the Scion additional group This accomplished, die in final the tool kit is product and in production in December January 2008 late for dispatch entered.

— MWW developed a new electrical product and prototyped, which is applicable to everyone car model by any automobile manufacturer. Kw_product fully one developed and is at present into final the agreement stages with several customers. MWW hopes to dispatch first product during second the quarter from 2008 to. MWW has a patent with US the patent Office for this product to request.

— Modelworxx developed running board for installation on Toyota the Rav4 and running a universal board for installation on wide distance a SUVs of the different automobile manufacturers. Output dispatch running board of the Rav4 was supplied with Toyota Germany and to RFQs for the same board from Toyota Europe was on received.

— MWW is product development also in the different stages of the common with several other suppliers. To extend these efforts, our product request and customer the base, when reducing of our development costs taken up. The new product sketches include accessories for die Nissan and Toyota Motor sales in US. Expected product introduction data for these products second and die third trimesters of FY are the 2008. Set-off, Mr. concluded Winzkowski, “position cash MWWs supplies the necessities capital, in order to accelerate die execution our business of the plan. Accordingly we drive fort to extend our management crew and product registers with a strong focus on the correct integration our of the acquisition into die MWW group of automobiles for maximum effect We new large customers such as KIA engines the USA (Mobis) and Toyota Europe acquired, and the we’re, that competitive different, concentrating on die Several new products of the most successful large automobile manufacturers exercises, for upcoming high volume Toyota model product introductions were developed and approved. First dispatch is expected in first and second quarter fiscal year 2008th We to believe that die have investments, die we accomplished during last quarterly position the MWW for more greater market portion of our the industry and more greater the long-term value for our shareholders.” United statement of the Companys about incomes for FY 2008 and additional discussion MWWs of year end to results is arranged on present in the form 10K. Over MWW of automotives marketing Worldwide corporation d/b/a/MWW automobile (OTCBB: MWWC) is fuller an expert, prominent designer, a manufacturer and certified a service supplier of OE of accessories for die global automobile industry for die customization of cars, sport customs carriers and brightens trucks. Head office had in Howell, has Michigan, MWW of enterprises in United States and Germany and supplies its products directly on select the carrier of the global automobile manufacturers, the in the middle (”VPCs”) processed and/or United assembly-lines into States, Canada and Europe. Kw_die MWW of products attaches and supplies the VPCs and technical crews of the assembly-lines into a multiplicity of the data carrier types die equipped Automobile to the dealer, the guidance to States United, to Canada and to Europe. Kw_mission companys, position as global automobile company should be, in order to use its domestic throughout and European design fully and operational funds manufacturing continue and to design to extend production and inventive to supply prominent edge and high Qualitaetsautomobilaccessories die customer demand within a global market to fulfill. Customers major MWWs are South East Toyota Distributors, Inc., Gulf States Toyota, Inc., Toyota Canada, Inc., which Toyota Motor, which is Corp in Canada Manufacturing, Hyundai and KIA engine US in US and BMW and Toyota Motor Europe in Germany and in Belgium. More information about MWW die group of automobiles on Please email all possible questions are over company for or contact in an advisory manner for strategic Growth 1 at present. Certain statements in this press release, die not historical facts “forward looking statements” within the meaning Private collateral law case improvement from 1995 are Act. Such statements, die may are expect, “” future marked, by die use words like “will anticipate,” “believe,” “,” “may,” “become,” “became,” “, if,” “plan projects,” “,” “,” and similar expressions to intend. Such forwardlooking statements, refer die well-known and unknown dangers, die uncertainties and die of other factors also, die may cause die actual results, die achievement or die remarks, to to that those materially differently to be expressed or by such forwardlooking statements suggested. The future Companys the operating result is dependent after many factors and including however not, limited to ability the Companys: (i) obtain sufficient plans capital or a strategic business arrangement to finance to its expansion; (ii) the management and die establish to human operational funds and die infrastructure, die to support growth the its business are necessary; (iii) competitive factors and developments beyond control the Companys; and (iv) other danger factors discussed in periodic archivings of the Companys with the shares and the Exchange commission, die are available more under for review to “Search for Company archivings.” Advised for strategic Growth1, Ltd. (”CFSG1″) provides MWWAutomotive group with advising, which development business, which is advisory, die relations between the investors, die public relations and korporativen die services, die from the CFSG1’s receipt of cash reconciliation of MWW is Independent, may CFSG1 decides to buy and liquidate the general stock the Companys in such a way do those collateral at each possible time thereafter, means attached. CONTACTS:

MWW AUTOMOBILE: Rainer Poertner EVP Business Development telephone: 1-517-540-0045, fax x43: 1-517-540-0923 email contact

RELATIONS BETWEEN THE INVESTORS: Stanley Wunderlich CEO, which advises for strategic Growth I telephone: 1-800-625-2236 fax: 1-212-337-8089 email contact

CENTRAL RELATIONS: Daniel Stepanek EVP, which advises for strategic Growth I telephone: 1-800-625-2236 fax: 1-212-337-8089 email contact SOURCE: MWW Automobil copyright 2008 Market Wire, all rights reserved.

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